FEPEC is a program to help individuals and communities prepare for disasters such as floods, fires, earthquakes and social violence. If you find yourself isolated from community support during a crisis, do you have the skills and knowledge that will enable you to care for yourself, your family and neighbors? This seminar will give you facts, techniques, and practice dealing with traumatic situations.

Preparation is a vital part of the content - what to pack, where to store it, and how to keep it safe. The goal is to enable you to be both safe and helpful, providing shelter, food, medical care, safe drinking water and sanitation, as well as dealing with the social and psychological issues facing your family and friends during a time of crisis. Basic first aid is not enough to prepare you to care for the sick and injured while waiting for help to come.

This course will cover long-term care considerations for fractures, head injuries, open wounds, bleeding, as well as the psychological issues and trauma inherent in emergency situations. Pre-existing medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, mental illness will also be addressed. Special seminars can be created to meet the unique needs of work-place preparedness.